Mise en service nouveau relais TK1ZAR
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- Hits: 6541
Beau cadeau en ce jour de réveillon, Thierry TK1CX et TK4TO Christophe ont installé et mis en service le relais TK1ZAR au dessus de l'Ospédale. Cliquez sur l'image à gauche pour visualiser la couverture simulée à l'aide du logiciel Radiomobile. |
1er "QSO TKNet"
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- Hits: 3048
Le 23 novembre 2022 s'est tenu le 1er "QSO de section TKNet", comme convenu lors de l'assemblée générale. |
New repeater TK5ZME on air
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- Hits: 12407
On May 22, 2022, our friends Thierry TK1CX and Christophe TK4TO installed and put in service a new VHF repeater: TK5ZME.
It is located in the village of Antisanti in JN42QE to approximately 700 m of altitude.
The access of the relay is on the channel R4x, 145,7125 Mhz with a TCS of 88,5 Hz
The map below should give a fairly accurate idea of the expected coverage.
This repeater is connected to the TKNet network which currently has 4 repeaters.
New radiosonde tracking system installed
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- Hits: 3318
New UHF repeater TK5ZCA
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- Hits: 15631
A new repeater located next to Valle-di-Campoloro JN42SI30 has been connected to the TKNET network.
The frequencies are 430.0375 MHz on transmit and 439.4375 MHz ont receive, both with a TCS of 88.5 Hz.
The first reports and tests are confirming a good coverage on a large part of the eastern plain, especially the T10.
Technical side: This repeater is the first to use the new TKNET interface card.
The transmission power is 7 Watts, the receiver has excellent sensitivity but is designed for a channel spacing of 12.5 kHz. Stations wishing to use the repeater must therefore limit their frequency deviation in order not to suffer from distortion...
Updates on repeater TK5ZCF
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On March 30, 2021, TK1BI & TK5EP spent a few hours on our "Punta" site.
A new Procom CXL2 antenna with a gain of 3 dB was installed on the new tower. This one is bigger and more stable than the older one that gave some signs of weakness and showed reduced coverage.
The tower was also earthed and a new connection to the TKNET network has been done. It remains to connect the grouns of the building in order to have equipotentiality of the different earths and to finish laying the cable trays.
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